Exit and emergency light systems are important tools to ensure a secure, fast and efficient evacuation of a building in an emergency situation. It is built up by two types of lights with different purposes and functionalities.
Exit lights-are always lit up and show with pictograms where to exit a building. They are usually powered by a 24V power supply with a battery backup, that can be local or centralized.
Emergency lights are lit up in an emergency situation, to eliminate panic by providing visibility during an evacuation.
To make sure the system is properly working you need to perform monthly functional tests, to verify the LED luminaire and battery function, and at least annual duration tests to make sure the equipment meets the required operating time in emergency mode. In a conventional system these tests need to be performed manually, with associated labor costs. On the other hand, in an addressable system, the tests can be automated, and the initial investment cost can be recovered rather quickly.
Addressable and integrated in the fire alarm detection system
If you to decide to invest in an addressable system you will have to consider whether you should go for a stand-alone system or a system that is integrated with the fire detection system. If you go for the stand-alone system, then you will also have the cost for double cabling and double control panels. If you go for an integrated system, make sure that the exit lights are separately powered, and not from the fire detection loop, to make sure you get enough length of the loop.
If you select the Panasonic system you will get an addressable fire detection system where the exit and emergency lights are integrated on the fire alarm loop but powered by a separate 24V supply that will give you up to 200 luminaries and 512 detectors in control panel. The luminaires are mounted in the standard Panasonic detector bases and to make sure to minimize the cabling cost, use a 4-wire cable where two of them are used for the loop and the other two are used for the 24 V supply line.
Adaptive signs – Evacuation, faster and safer
Panasonic comes again with a very innovative solution to really make the evacuation safe. We offer adaptive exit lights that can switch to indicate that an escape route is unsafe, if a detector in that part has indicated high smoke levels in any section of that evacuation route. Thereby it is possible to avoid people being exposed to dangerous fire gases.
An additional advantage with Panasonic’s solution is that you are able, to remotely monitor the exit and emergency light system via the gateway in the fire detection system.
For further information of this new launch, please contact us!
Tel: +46 (0) 40 697 7000